Tarek Kteleh, MD

Now Consultant.

Dr. Tarek Kteleh is the author of “The Six Pillars of Advocacy.” He is a medical doctor who received degrees from Damascus University, the University of Missouri, Columbia and Kansas City, and Washington University in St. Louis. In addition, he earned certifications in leadership and finance from Harvard Business School Online and a certificate in commercial real estate from eCorenell University.

Prior to establishing Rheumatology of Central Indiana, Dr. Kteleh provided care in partner with Medical Consultants and Indiana University Health. Dr. Kteleh’s provision of exceptional patient care and support has led him to be the leading provider of rheumatology therapies in Muncie and surrounding areas.
Dr. Kteleh received formal internal medicine training at the University of Missouri in Columbia and Kansas City in 2003. He received his rheumatology fellowship training in 2006 at the prestigious school of the Midwest, Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. Dr. Kteleh practiced rheumatology in North Dakota for two years prior to becoming a Hoosier in 2010.

Dr. Kteleh became an author because he had something to share. He believes time is of the essence and every day you dawdle, children go hungry, dictators oppress civilians, competitors hire the lobbyists you need, and the schedules of policymakers fill up. After he mastered the Six Pillars of Advocacy, he had to share it with the world. Whatever the noble cause, those who are counting on you can't wait, and with this book, you don't have to.

As well as running his own medical practice, Dr. Kteleh is an a passionate community organizer. He has led advocacy efforts for a variety of causes at the U.S. Congress, the White House, and the Indiana Statehouse.
Among his advocacy successes, he and his team convinced The President of the US to protect millions of civilians and worked through the U.S. Congress to pass a law which held accountable the greatest war criminal of the 21st century. He also partnered with health care professionals in his state to prevent the passage of a legislation that could have negatively impacted patient safety and health care quality.